
Benchmark Literacy Overview

Learn more about MCPS' new literacy program, Benchmark, how kids learn to read, and how you can support your child's reading at home. View the presentation here.

Web-Based Academic Enrichment


Login in: MCPS student ID

Password: mobymax

Overview: MobyMax is an online-based program that can be utilized in KP classrooms by teachers to provide differentiated learning opportunities for students in every K-5 subject. MobyMax is built on common core standards and complements direct classroom instruction. The program has diagnostic tests to assess students’ strengths and weaknesses and to identify gaps in knowledge; progress monitoring; assessments; adaptive lessons; and much more. Additionally, there is a parent portal where parents can login and track their student’s progress.

At-Home Account Access: For your child to access their account or for you to access the Parent Portal, use your child’s MCPS student ID number as the username and the password “mobymax”. If you do not know your child’s student ID, it can be found on past report cards or you can reach out to your child’s teacher to request it.


Login: kensingtonparkwood

Password: pop1

Overview: BrainPop is an online-based program available in the classroom and at home that engages students through animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more. Available resources include BrainPOP Jr. (K-3), BrainPOP, BrainPOP Español,BrainPOP Francais, and BrainPOP Educators. They cover topics within Science, Math, Social Studies, English Language Arts, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music, Health, Reading, and Writing. Content is mapped to the Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and searchable with our online Standards Tool. In addition to the tools available to students, teachers have access to lesson plans and materials, training, and more. Parents, caregivers, and guardians are encouraged to logon and navigate the program to better understand what tools and lessons are available for their children.

At-Home Account Access: Students have access to all of the available online resources noted above by logging with the username “kensingtonparkwood” and password “pop1”.

KPPTA Web-Based Typing Software

Online typing software programs that help kids learn proper positioning, position of hands, and speed and accuracy. Each program provides lessons, challenges, games, and course options to encourage different methods of learning and fun! For parents the program offers maps of progress, reports, and a certificate to celebrate kid’s achievements. More detailed information is provided within the software, along with the ability to adjust settings in order to customize each child’s experience.

Mickey’s Typing Adventure (K-2)

Kids will visit five enchanted destinations in Typelandia. Along the way their typing will help free Mickey’s friends by breaking the magical enchantments and they will earn valuable points.

Login: Lastnamefirstinitial

Password: kensingtonparkwood

Typer Island Adventure (3-5)

At Typer Island Adventure, kids will visit five exciting lands on the island. Along the way they’ll earn valuable jewels and points in their Treasure Chest.

Login: Lastnamefirstinitial

Password: kensingtonparkwood

At-Home Account Access User Name: Lastnamefirstinitial (example Mary Smith= Smithm). Password: kensingtonparkwood. Note: If your child has more than one last name or a hyphenated last name please use the first part of their last name as the part of their user name. For families that have children with the same last name and same first initial, then one of the kids usernames will be Lastnamefirsttwoinitials (example Mary Smith=Smithma).

Tumble Books - E-books for Kids

See the list of literacy websites. See a general list of online resources.