Academic Enrichment

KP Green Team

The KP Green Team’s mission is to promote environmental sustainability and enhancement through awareness, education, and action. The committee provides environmental education opportunities and learning tools for the students and community. This effort supports a teaching style focused on hands-on, active, and engaging lessons where the students participate in enhancement, restoration and science projects. 

Curriculum Committee  

A parent-led group to support MCPS curriculum changes and the Artist-in-Residence program. This committee helps classroom teachers and artists implement activities and also plans Curriculum Nights for Parents. 

Diversity and Inclusion Committee  

Raises awareness through the celebration of our differences and similarities, to promote kindness and enhance anti-bullying efforts. As needed, this committee advocates on behalf of students, parents, teachers, and school administrators when concerns and issues arise. 

Sister School Partnership

This group plans activities and events in service of KP PTA’s sister school relationship with Arcola ES PTA. 

International Night 

Highlights and celebrates cultural diversity at KP. Families are invited to share their (or any) heritage through costumes, displays, music, and food. 

Learning Differences and Special Needs

A resource for families navigating KP with respect to the unique needs of special education students. Our parent volunteer, Trish Stone, is available to answer any questions and provide information about the school system special education programs.  

Science Fair

All students are invited to submit a science project of their choice. The event is held in the evening, and the projects are all on display in the gym. In addition, there are hands on science activities for a students. Parent volunteers promote and coordinate this event.