Volunteering at KP

Get prepared: complete the volunteer form and training

Volunteer help is welcome and appreciated at the school during lunch, recess, and other times as needed. If you would like to volunteer at the school, please get ready by following these steps:

1. Complete the MCPS volunteer form:


Print out or save a PDF of the completed form.

2. Complete the MCPS Child Abuse and Neglect training:


There is a user guide here to help navigate the training:


Be sure to use your own ParentVue account - contact the KP front office if you don't have one, or if your family shares an account. Once you've completed the training you should see 100% for the Child Abuse and Neglect training on the Grades page. Print out or save a PDF of your Grades report.

3. Email your volunteer form and course grade to the PTA Volunteer Coordinator at kpvolunteerteam@gmail.com or drop them off at the KP front office.

4. Look for volunteer signups on EagleNet, in the weekly newsletter, through your room parent, or contact kpvolunteerteam@gmail.com for opportunities. Sign in at the front office every time you volunteer using your driver's license or state ID!

KP Recess Running Club: Every Wednesday

If you volunteer at recess on a Wednesday and the field is open, you may get to help out with Recess Running Club!

1. The Running Club Coordinator will bring the necessary materials - charms, markers, and cones - to the field.

2. Head out to the field and set-up the cones. The loop starts and ends by the playground equipment (by tree). Kids run behind the backstop near the playground equipment then head out to far corner straight by fence. Place a cone in corner. The next cone goes back where the baseball field and black top meet. Kids should stay along the outside of ball field and not go around the back. The last cone goes by the side walk on the way back to the playground.

3. Set up the container on the pavement near the front of the shed near the playground.

4. If the kids are waiting to get started running, you can lead them in some fun warm-up exercises. Then, start them running in groups staggered to prevent tripping and pushing.

5. Each time a child completes a lap his/her hand will be marked. Children receive a charm or prize for the following laps completed per age group:

K/1st Grade   4 laps per charm/prize

2nd /3rd        6 laps per charm/prize

4th /5th         8 laps per charm/prize

6. After the last recess ends, assist the Running Club Coordinator in packing up the supplies and returning the cones.

Thank you for your help!

Conflict Resolution Tips for volunteers

Resolving conflicts between students at school can be challenging! With that in mind, our school counselor Mrs. Wert hosts training sessions for volunteers from time to time. Look for announcements about these training sessions, or see below for a video and notes from the most recent session.

Video of the talk:


Notes from the talk:


Kelso's Choices

Kids at KP are taught a conflict resolution tool called Kelso's Choices. There are Kelso's Choices posters around the school, you may find laminated handouts by the sign-in sheet, or you can download and print your own:
